Where Do You Stand On The Political Spectrum?

Most people have a general idea of where they stand on the political spectrum, however others may not be so sure. Most have a combination of left-leaning and right-leaning views when in comes to certain topics. This quiz will help you figure out where you sit in the political spectrum.


How do you feel about "green" energy?

What aspects of society should government have control over?

How important is having a military?

Should the federal government have control over social issues?

Should we help other countries when they are in need?

What kind of economic policies work best?

Who is/was the best president of all time?

What Is Your Political Stance?
Tree-Hugging Liberal Douchebag

You literally have no idea how economics work. You think money just grows on trees, just like that pot you're smoking as you read this. You're probably loud and outspoken about social issues, and everyone around you thinks you're an annoying asshat who needs to shut the fuck up. Oh, and you drive a Prius.
White Trash Drunk Redneck Conservative

You are a pissed off redneck who has the IQ of a walnut. You're so afraid of the government taking your guns away and that's literally the only reason that makes you vote Republican. You live in a trailer and use beer cans as lawn decorations. You have frequent incest thoughts about your immediate family members. You drive a shitty diesel truck.
Filthy Communist

You are probably some young dumb teenager who's too stupid to read a history book. You idolize historical figures like Karl Marx and Che Guevara because you're a dumbshit. You make minimum wage or extremely close to it. You most likely ride a bike because you're too broke to buy a car.
Spineless Centrist

You're an indecisive pussy. Your significant other wears the pants in the relationship. You try so hard to be accepted by all that you don't actually have any genuine opinions of your own. You have extremely low self-confidence. You most likely drive a Honda or Toyota, because you're an unoriginal loser.

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What Is Your Political Stance?

Voting hole.

Governments, Corporations Recommend Apathy Towards Democracy