Man Spends 30 Minutes in Other Room, Wife Believes Relationship is in Jeopardy

A 28 year old man has spent roughly 30 minutes in another room, leading his wife to believe their relationship is in grave trouble. “He went to the other room on his laptop, he said he was working but everyone knows that’s code for ‘I hate you and don’t want to be around you’,” stated Amanda Gustaphson. “I just think he’s started to fall out of love with me, mainly because he hasn’t been next to me for the last 30 minutes.”

This kind of thinking is not out of the ordinary. A study conducted last year by Beningham University found that women in relationships who are left alone for more than 30 minutes at a time begin to doubt their relationship. “It’s extraordinary really, a man can go to the restroom to relieve himself and in that same timeframe a woman can convince herself that the relationship isn’t working,” stated Joseph Godfrey, PhD of Women’s Mentality Studies at Bengham Univeristy. “Whenever a man spends time away from his significant other, they begin to question things such as devotion, trust, love, and virtually every other aspect of the relationship,” he continued.

Joshep Godfrey continued to say that the best way for women to deal with these short periods of time without their significant others: “Just know that they are fine.  They are doing there own thing and they will be back to you shortly.”

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