Bobby M William

Asshole Driver Makes it to Destination 35 sec faster.

Los Angeles, CA

Bobby M William, was hastily making his way to his destination this past Wednesday when he decided to cut off Mary Tyler who was driving in the right lane. Mary, aged 24, was on her way to the grocery store when Bobby, aged 35, was driving to her left and swerved into her lane and entered the driveway. “I really needed to get to McDonald’s. I’m really hungry,” asserted Bobby. He went on to say, “There’s so much traffic today. So many of these people are in my way! Don’t they realize I’m trying to go somewhere?”

Mary who was getting groceries for dinner told us, “I was just keeping to the right lane because it’s so hard texting and driving so I drive in the slowest lane as I don’t care about rushing anywhere. I’ll get there when I get there. I’ve had 3 crashes in my life, but they weren’t my fault,” Mary revealed.

After Bobby cut off Mary he went on to graze past 3 more cars. When asked why he was driving so aggressively he said,” I’m was a little hungry so I was going to McDonald’s. They have a meal deal right now.” We let him know that the McDonald’s he was going to was open 24 hours. To which he replied, “yeah?”

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