Workouts You Aren’t Doing Because You’re a Noob

  1.  Bent Over Rear Tricep Kick-Backs

Triceps are a glamour muscle.  Fewer things look better than a dude with big arms and a well defined “horseshoe” in his tricep.  Everyone knows about Skull-crushers, Close-Grip Bench Press, and Tricep Push-Downs, but rarely do you see a dude repping out the Bent-Over Rear Tricep Kick-Back (BORTKB) these days.  The BORTKB is one of the original tricep forming exercises.  It’s a super simple movement and it’s pretty obvious why it’s such a great workout, as you can see from the photos below.



     2.  Standing Overhead Tricep Extensions

Another great Tricep workout that you rarely see these days is the Standing Overhead Tricep Extension.  This exercise mainly works the Tricep (obviously) but it also has the added benefit of working the various flexor muscles in your forearm.  Check out the images below to see how it’s done.



     3.  Butterfly Kisses

Every gym rat knows about the squat.  It is the foundation of any solid leg day.  We also know about the few squat variations such as Sumo Squats and Goblet Squats.  These are all fine and dandy, but have you forgotten your roots?!  The Butterfly Kiss is a squat that FORCES you to squat with perfect form.  It’s guaranteed to destroy your quads like no other squat variation you’ve tried.



 4. Dumbell Hip Thrusts

So many people in the gym avoid core work.  Don’t be that person.  This may seem like a strange lift, but trust us when we say it hits those core muscles super hard.  Remember to fast on the up thrust and slow on the way down to really feel that burn.



     4.  Wiggly T’s


Have you ever seen those dudes with super wide deltoids and beefy traps?  Ya, we all want to be like that guy.  We all know the usually delt/trap exercises: Shrugs (barbell or dumbbell), Military Press, Shoulder Press, Lateral Raises, Front Plate Raise, etc…but what do you know about the Wiggly T?  The Wiggly T is one of the best exercises to hit your Trapezius and Delts simultaneously.  For another great variation of the Wiggly T, try some Skiers.



     5.  Parallel Arm Extensions

One of the most neglected areas that is vital to both your back and chest workout is your Rotator Cuffs.  This affects both your back workout as well as your bench press and chest flies, so you better give a shit about it.



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